May 2024 Sermon Notes

Jeff Whitaker
6 min readMay 31, 2024

This month's sermon series, "Insecurities," is a financial series aptly named as a play on words referring to financial securities and our apprehension to talk frankly about money, especially as Christians. This will be the first abbreviated sermon notes series that I've done. Typically, I add more context, but I have removed many of my original notes for this series because I am not a finance professional, and this is not financial advice. These are notes on Biblically backed messages surrounding the topic of finance. If the subject matter interests you, I encourage you to join a church — try Union, if possible — read the Bible or watch the attached sermons yourself.

Reminders: These are the notes that I took in the building. There may be discrepancies between the recording and my notes due to the sermon I watched versus the (potentially) different sermon posted—think musicians or comedians performing the same set; no show will be verbatim the same. Hopefully, this further incentivizes your desire to read the Bible for yourself and join a church.

  • If you are new to faith or specifically Christianity, I suggest checking this post out first before coming here and reading other posts on my page, as this will seem random, out of context, and potentially too advanced: "Note To Self" Part 1
  • For a comprehensive idea of where I am on my journey, check this 2023 list of notes for better context. GROW UP was the #1 lesson I learned last year. This year, messaging focuses on the details of doing so biblically.
  • The preachers generally said "you" where I wrote "I" and "me." I also paid more attention to the things relevant to my life, and this project is just a fun thing I do. I hope it can help someone, but that's not why I write these notes.
  • A share and claps always help, but you can encourage a more frequent production pace by subscribing now. Leave questions and comments if you like. Otherwise, enjoy!

My freedom journey has recently seen several peaks and valleys, with spiritual elevation externally, internally, and eternally. I'm still on a mental development streak, which I'm realizing is growth, maturity, and healthy living. I've had to make tough decisions in my relationships — old and new, but God has blessed and protected me. At the time of this post, I'm still in a peak season, with summer just around the corner.

With the pleasantries out, let's start with a brief word on Saturday, May 4th, at the morning prayer service.

"Take me higher, but not too high" — Pastor Rivers Joshua 1:9

Be confident that God has ordered my steps (Joshua 1:3-5)

God goes before me.

I need discipline to do exactly as God has instructed (Joshua 1:7)

My success correlates to my obedience.

God's right here with me. (Joshua 1:9) #YHWH

"Insecurities" $eries Part One by Pastor Stephen Chandler Money On My Mind (5.5.2024)

Prodigal Son — Financially Luke 15:11–19

Everything in God's word is balanced. For some reason, there's an emotional connection to money — especially in Church — Matt 6:21 — "Where my treasure is, my heart will follow."

  • The health of my heart dictates the health of my life.
  • If my money is funny, it's a heart issue.

If I think money's evil, I'll avoid it.

  • Money is an aspiritual amplifier, which is why the devil wants Christians broke not to amplify Jesus — the way, the truth, and the life.
  • Ecclesiastes 5:19 — "Wealth without sorrow, is a Gift from God."
  • 1 Timothy 6:10 The Love of Money is A Root of all kinds of evil.
  • Tithing is a system to guard my heart against the love of money.

If I think money's my safety, I'll hoard it. (Matt 6:24)

…And I can never see other people's needs being too consumed with mine (Luke 15:29–31).

"Money makes promises only God can keep."

If I think it's infinite, I'll waste it. (being spoiled or over-working)

There's no scripture in the Bible where God made anyone rich.

If I think it's God's, I'll steward it. (Psalm 24:1)

Luke 16:11 — Money is a trust test from God

"Insecurities" Part Two: Don't Worry About The $

#MothersDay Genesis 30:25–33 — Jacob & Laban

"How many people can say they are blessed because I've brought God's favor to their organization?" My life should show what God can do.

Money comes from solving problems.

  • Every degree isn't worth it. (See Plumbers vs. a BS in Sociology)
  • Always be ready to reinvent myself or be prepared for replacement.

Money comes from hard work and excellence (Daniel 6:3)

  • Daniel 6:3 Proverbs 10:4 + 2 Thessalonians 3:10–11 — On laziness and being broke.
  • Genesis 30:9–10 — If you're lazy, you have no vision.

Money comes when I combine my gifting and passion.

  • Proverbs 22:29, Genesis 47:5–6, Psalm 139:14

God has written me a new story — Pastor Byron's Saturday AM Prayer (5.18.2024)

"And who are you again?" — to my past.

God is giving me a new name.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (Loved, appointed, His)

The Bible makes me indestructible

God gives me a new nature — putting on the mind of Christ

God's given me a new narrative. (Romans 8:1)

God is a loving father to whom I have unlimited access.

"Insecurities" Part Three: Don't Let $ Take You Out

(5.19.2024) Philippians 4:10–20 — "Get y'all money together."

I must anchor today.

  • Start with contentment. Stuff can't bring that; God does.
  • Proverbs 13:7 — "Act your wage."
  • Luke 14:28–29 — "Don't start without knowing the cost, or else everyone will laugh." I need to budget on every first of the month at minimum.
  • 10% to God. If I can't do 10%, I'm overspending elsewhere.
  • Where I start doesn't dictate my end.

"Quiet yesterday."

  • Debt SEEMS ok because everybody is ACTING ok.
  • I can wander my way into debt. I can't wander my way out.
  • Proverbs 22:7 — debt makes me a slave.
  • Psalm 37:21 — The wicked borrow and don't repay.
  • Proverbs 6:1,5 — Don't cosign anything.

Secure Tomorrow (Proverbs 21:20)

  • After all debt is clear, set aside at least 15%. 9–5s don't make you rich.
  • Wealth comes with ownership. (Investing is an option)
  • Proverbs 13:11 — gambling wealth quickly disappears; hard work wealth disappears

"Live an abundant life." Philippians 4:12

I've got to learn how to be broke and how to abound

March Catalyst: "Money Talks" with Anthony Oneal

(5.24.2024) "Start where you are." — PS "50 is the new 30" — PZ "Take control of your life." — AO
  • "It's never a math issue. It's a mindset issue."
  • "Pray for knowledge and wisdom, not more money."
  • "Everything God does is in process with intentionality and divine order."
  • "I can't afford to rob from my future."
  • EARN = Evaluate where you are. Arrange the vision. Rearrange the strategy. Now act!
  • "Pray as it all depends on him. Work like it all depends on me."
  • God loves me, regardless. First, he uses me. Then he trusts me.

"Oh, You'll Live." Saturday Morning Prayer with Pastor Emory (5.25.2024)

How to trust God's response at times when I'm looking for a different response (1 John 4:34–43 "Signs & Wonders")

Go to where God is. Put away my position. Walk on the word.

Take my time going home. In trust and faith that it's already done.

Limitless Sunday x "Insecurities" Part Four: Can God be Trusted with My Money? (5.26.2024)

John 12:1–8 + Remember Ephesians 3:20
  • Church isn't bible school. It's a collision with Christ, the miracle worker.
  • I've got to stop limiting Him with my limitations; hence, "Limitless." Let Him exceed my idea of "good enough" through me.
  • Jesus may not come when I want him, but he's always on time to show his miraculous power. The result is bigger and better than I can imagine.
  • The enemy has caused people to distrust Christ and be greedy because many ministries have mismanaged money.
  • Over 2K Bible verses mention money, not all of which say "Give" and "Tithe." Six hundred sixty-seven verses mention sin, yet the Church only preaches the latter.
  • I put all my weight on my money and don't even know the four legs of the chair holding it up. Two are wisdom, and two are supernatural. The world has access to wisdom.
  1. Hard work #gotowork
  2. Stewardship. (If I blow money, that's not God's fault.)
  3. Sewing & reaping, aka Generosity. (2 Corinthians 9:10–11)

I choose the miracles I see. "Don't eat your seed, and don't sew your bread."

4. Tithing (Malachi 3:8–12)

  • God has power. So does the enemy, but see Provers 10:22 — the blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
  • John 14–15 — "If you love me, keep my commandments." — how to cross from religion to relationship. Aka, FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS FIRST

I need my own story of "God, I trust you. Let's see what happens."

My prayer for you. #Blessings

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Jeff Whitaker

Writing life, Christian living, Words of Wisdom and notes to myself #FreedomJourney